Caroline Chisholm Catholic College (see more jobs from this school)


Secondary Teacher

Teaching Subject: Building and Construction , Community & Family Studies , Design , Engineering Studies , Food Technology / Nutrition , Graphics , Home Economics , Hospitality , Industrial Technology , Information Processes and Technology , Software Design and Development , TAS , Technology , Textiles , ESL / EALD , English , LOTE , Literacy , Agriculture , Biology , Chemistry , Earth and Environmental Science , Mathematics , Numeracy , Physics , Psychology , STEM , Science , Child Studies , Health , Outdoor Education , PDHPE , Physical Education , Aboriginal Studies , Accounting , Ancient History , Business Studies , Commerce , Economics , Geography , HASS , HSIE , History , Legal Studies , Modern History , Philosophy , Politics , Religious Studies / Studies of Religion , Society and Culture , Tourism , Visual Art

Contract Type: Contract Position Full Time

Applications Close: 4 October 2024

2025 TEACHING ROLES! Caroline Chisholm Catholic College is seeking staff wishing to join a vibrant and dynamic learning community. COMMENCING JANUARY 2025; The College is seeking candidates for the following full time position; SYSTEMS TEACHER ITALIAN TEACHER VISUAL ARTS TEACHER MATHEMATICS TEACHER SCIENCE TEACHER ENGLISH TEACHER PE & HEALTH HUMANITIES TEACHER

<p><strong>2025 TEACHING ROLES!</strong></p><p>Caroline Chisholm Catholic College is seeking staff wishing to join a vibrant and dynamic learning community. </p><p><strong>COMMENCING JANUARY 2025;</strong></p><p>The College is seeking candidates for the following full time position;</p><ul><li><strong>SYSTEMS TEACHER </strong></li><li><strong>ITALIAN TEACHER</strong></li><li><strong>VISUAL ARTS TEACHER</strong></li><li><strong>MATHEMATICS TEACHER</strong></li><li><strong>SCIENCE TEACHER</strong></li><li><strong>ENGLISH TEACHER</strong></li><li><strong>PE &amp; HEALTH </strong></li><li><strong>HUMANITIES TEACHER</strong></li></ul><p><strong>The successful applicants will possess the following skills and experience:</strong></p><ul><li>Excellent communication and interpersonal skills</li><li>Clear and effective communication skills, both verbal and written</li><li>Ability to build positive relationships and communicate effectively with students, families, school staff and other services</li><li>Relevant qualifications and/or experience in relevant area</li></ul><p><strong>The successful applicants will also demonstrate the following attributes:</strong></p><ul><li>A strong commitment to our Catholic Ethos</li><li>Ability to work in a dynamic environment </li><li>Holds a current VIT Registration </li></ul><p><strong>There are many benefits to having a rewarding career at Caroline Chisholm Catholic College, here are a few:</strong></p><ul><li>free access to the school’s gym before and after school hours</li><li>Paul Sandler pool facilities </li><li>participation in an active Staff Wellbeing Committee that includes trivia nights, day excursions, regular after work functions and mental health programmes to get to know each other on a personal level</li><li>free access to Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) and wellbeing programs</li><li>ongoing professional learning, generous allowance for extra study and staff scholarships</li><li>genuine career paths/mentoring &amp; coaching</li><li>modern staff room and facilities</li><li>regular training opportunities</li><li>modern ICT, with the provision to every staff member of a touch screen laptop with stylus</li><li>inclusive and diverse environment</li><li>beautiful library spaces</li><li>attractive salaries and salary packaging options</li></ul><p>For more information regarding the position description visit <a href="https://aus01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url&#61;http://www.cccc.vic.edu.au/&amp;data&#61;02|01||741d22a4e7364b77db4b08d71a2e8188|d1323671cdbe4417b4d4bdb24b51316b|0|0|637006659368891046&amp;sdata&#61;DrxVP6OlZy594JxrOB62C61KHixfUGOBm993byrkWWY&#61;&amp;reserved&#61;0" rel="nofollow">www.cccc.vic.edu.au</a></p><p>Applicants are invited to send a cover letter and resume to <a href="mailto:applications&#64;cccc.vic.edu.au" rel="nofollow">applications&#64;cccc.vic.edu.au</a></p><p><strong>Applications close at 4pm Friday 4th October 2024.</strong></p><p>Caroline Chisholm Catholic College is a Child Safe School.</p>