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Too busy? For an additional $35.00, our Concierge Service can complete your job ad, edit it so it attracts the best recruits, and get it uploaded onto the system for you. Simply call or email us!
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Subscription is for a 12-month period and allows for an unlimited number of job vacancy postings.
Price is based on current enrolments for the school. Please select the relevant range to see expected cost.
(ex GST)
Australian-based coaching and tutoring companies may be eligible for a 12-month subscription, which allows for an unlimited number of job vacancy postings. Manage your ads yourself - upload and edit to your heart's content but of course, should you need a little help or advice simply call our Job Ad Concierge Hotline™ 1800 003 202.
Cost (excluding GST) | |
Head office/main account | $ 1,090.00 per year |
Each branch (location) | + $ 100.00 per year per account |