Head of House

O'Loughlin Catholic College - Karama


Head of Faculty / Department

Contract Type: Contract Position Full Time

Applications Close: 21 October 2024

<p><strong>Salary Range - CT Level 1 to CT Level 9 -</strong> <strong>$85,094 to $122,036 PLUS super</strong></p><p><strong>Additional Allowance: POR 2: $10,837.00</strong></p><p><strong>O’Loughlin Catholic College was founded in 1987. We are a co-educational secondary schoolfrom Years 7-12 belonging to the Diocese of Darwin. With enrolment of approximately 600 students, the College supports a number of students with additional needs. A chief priority of the school is to ensure that these students are known and well cared for.</strong></p><p>The Head of House is a middle leadership position that plays a significant role in the wellbeing, pastoral care and academic performance for students within their assigned house. They are responsible for developing an intrinsic connection with students and families within their house and work with the Leader of Wellbeing for Learning and the Year Level Personal Development Leaders to create opportunities for academic, social, emotional and spiritual growth for students. The Head of House will oversee the overall general progress of students and will be the first point of contact for students and families if extra support is required. Support may include engaging with the College counsellors and the Inclusion Support team. The Head of House will play a significant role in student engagement through a strength based and restorative approach so that strong relationships with students and staff are created and maintained. </p><p>The Head of House will work collaboratively with other Heads of House to create opportunities that create a culture of house identity and sense of belonging. The Head of House will work closely with other Heads of House and the Principal and Deputy Principal to ensure the learning environment is safe for all students at the College. </p><p><strong>QUALIFICATIONS / ACCREDITATIONS</strong></p><ul><li>Qualifications of a four-year trained teacher</li><li>TRB Accreditation</li><li>Current NT Ochre Card - Working With Children Check (WWCC) </li></ul><p><strong>DESIRED QUALIFICATIONS</strong></p><ul><li>Master level / commitment to enrol in further education</li><li>Accreditation to teach in a Catholic school</li></ul><p><strong>KEY RESPONSIBILITIES</strong></p><p>Guided by Gospel values, <strong>the leader </strong>is responsible for the following:</p><p><strong>Together we will celebrate how our diversity drives innovation, creativity and a high level of achievement for all.</strong></p><ul><li>Monitor student attendance and participation in the co-curricular life of the College.</li><li>Meet with parents and/or carers when to discuss wellbeing and learning to ensure growth and connectedness.</li></ul><p><strong>Together we will thrive by cultivating a supportive community, fostering a passion for learning, and providing a foundation for academic and spiritual growth.</strong></p><ul><li>Support Learning Diversity Leaders and Subject Teachers as they endeavour to support the academic, social, emotional and spiritual needs of students. </li><li>Develop a strong academic and learning culture within their House group. </li><li>Keep staff informed of pertinent decisions or information affecting students in the year level or House group</li><li>Collaborate with other the Heads of House and  the Leader of Inclusion Support and Leader of Wellbeing for Learning in dealing and student matters (pastoral and behaviour) and deciding on the appropriate actions</li></ul><p><strong>Together we will initiate and move forward with curiosity, commitment and passion, excelling in all that we do.</strong></p><ul><li>Collaborate with the Leader of Wellbeing for Learning and Leader of Inclusion Support to support the transition and induction of new students in House group. </li><li>Work with the Leader of Wellbeing for Learning and Personal Development Leaders to develop a comprehensive wellbeing program that is scoped and sequenced. </li><li>Plan for suitable interventions or opportunities to address identified needs by liaising with the appropriate staff e.g. Leader of Inclusion Support, the Learning Diversity Leaders and counsellors.</li><li>Oversee the general organisation and administration of the House group and the co-ordination of activities pertaining to a House year level or House group and communicate with relevant staff</li><li>Work with other House Leaders and Personal Development Leaders to be responsible for organising and conducting year House level or House assemblies on a regular basis. </li><li>Implement attendance policies and liaise with students and families to discuss concerns and implement plans where necessary.</li></ul><p><strong>Together we will evolve by fostering student agency within future-focused learning, integrating sustainable approaches for a more holistic and impactful education.</strong></p><ul><li>Liaise with homeroom teachers to monitor student attendance and punctuality. </li><li>Ensure all students are adhering to the expectations of the College. </li><li>Document interactions on LMS (SEQTA) to monitor trends and patterns in the house to ensure effective tracking. </li><li>Lead and work with staff to follow up student behaviour, uniform, lateness and absenteeism (including extended leave/family holidays) and relevant learning issues. </li><li>Any other duties as directed by the Principal.</li></ul><p><strong>Please send a current resume and the names and contacts of three referees to the Office Manager</strong> secretary.oloughlin&#64;nt.catholic.edu.au</p>
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Application Instructions

<ul><li>Please send a current resume and the names and contacts of three referees to the Office Manager secretary.oloughlin&#64;nt.catholic.edu.au</li></ul>


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