Leader of House

Chevalier College - Bowral, NSW

Burradoo, NSW 

Head of Faculty / Department

Contract Type: Permanent/Ongoing Position Full Time

Applications Close: 16 September 2024

The Leader of House plays a key role in supporting the wellbeing and pastoral care priorities of the College by ensuring the holistic education of each student in their House by ensuring their academic, spiritual, emotional and physical wellbeing is supported. This middle leader role attracts 2 points pay and 0.25 FTE release from face-to-face teaching time.

<p><strong>The College</strong></p><p>Chevalier College’s rich 78-year history is shaped by the MSC values of kindness, compassion, inclusivity, and hospitality. As part of its next iteration, Chevalier College will continue to grow as a community of heart-centred learners whilst nurturing the individual uniqueness of each student. As a learner focused contemporary learning community, Chevalier College enables students to be collaborative and future facing thinkers who activate purposeful, meaningful and positive change in a rapidly changing world.</p><p>Click <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v&#61;AeXAoEU1vhs&amp;t&#61;2s" rel="nofollow">here</a> to hear why Chevalier College is a great place to work.</p><p><strong>Role Outline</strong></p><p>The Leader of House plays a key role in supporting the wellbeing and pastoral care priorities of the College by ensuring the holistic education of each student in their House by ensuring their academic, spiritual, emotional and physical wellbeing is supported. Working closely with the Assistant Principal – Wellbeing and Growth and the Dean of Students, the Leader of House is strongly committed to ethos, charism and values of MSC Education.</p><p>The partnership between Home Room Tutors, Subject Teachers and Leaders of Learning is pivotal in the pastoral care and formation of Chevalier College students. The Leader of House supports the three-way partnership between staff, students and families, and oversees the pastoral care, wellbeing and learning dimensions of students within their group. The Leader of House works collaboratively with other Leaders of House to ensure consistency in House structures and expectations. Also, the Leader of House contributes to the development of student wellbeing and the implementation of the (yet to be developed) wellbeing ecosystem. Most importantly, the Leader of House works tirelessly with each Home Room Tutor to better know and understand the strengths, interests, motivations and capabilities of each student in their House, so they flourish and thrive in a rapidly changing world. </p><p><strong>Role Responsibilities</strong></p><p>The Leader of House is foundational to the success of the wellbeing, pastoral care and academic care of each student within each House. The Leader of House works closely with the Assistant Principal Wellbeing and Growth by sharing the responsibility for the continued implementation of wellbeing initiatives which support a safe and supportive environment. The Leader of House works closely with the Dean of Students to ensure the ongoing development of a vertical House-based pastoral care structure to support pastoral care and learning across the College. As a group, the Leaders of House work collaboratively with each other to ensure clear and consistent expectations of Home Rooms Tutors and students within each House. They set the direction for student pastoral care in their specific House, ensuring every student’s opportunity for growth is maximised.</p><p>The Leader of House is a conduit between other key roles and a facilitator of key processes to ensure each student thrives. As such, they:</p><ul><li>Work closely with the Dean of Students<i> </i>to:<ul><li>Ensure the consistent delivery of morning Home Room by each Home Room Tutor.</li><li>Ensure appropriate behaviour management strategies are implemented and applied when students fail to meet expectations regarding uniform, behaviour, appearance and attendance. </li><li>Liaise with the Dean of Students regarding communication with parents regarding serious breaches of College expectations, including the suspension process. <br /> </li></ul></li><li>Work closely with the Assistant Principal Wellbeing and Growth to:<ul><li>support the development of wellbeing courses and initiatives including the teaching of SIM and Wellbeing courses.</li><li>develop formal and informal student leadership e.g. supporting House Captains, Buddy Leaders and senior student involvement in Home Rooms and the overall wellbeing of House students.<br /> </li></ul></li><li>Work closely with the Assistant Principal – Faith, Formation and Mission to:<ul><li>ensure a vibrant prayer life in each of the Home Rooms. </li><li>promote the story, shield and mottos of the House Patron.</li><li>support religious events such as Sacred Heart Day, Chevalier Day and other events including liturgies.</li><li>attend at least two overnight retreats for Years 9, 10, 11 and/or 12.</li><li>support First Nations events including Sorry Day and Naidoc Week.</li><li>ensure House students are associated with at least one MSC Mission focussed (fundraising) charity and one community (awareness) charitable work each year. </li><li>Organise one House activity per year. Liaise with House staff, College, and House captains to ensure well-organised and enthusiastic participation ensuring consistency with events.<br /> </li></ul></li><li>Lead Home Room Tutors by:<ul><li>developing complementary ways of fostering House Spirit in celebration of its members. </li><li>communicating relevant information regarding students’ social, emotional, physical, and academic wellbeing. </li><li>partnering with them to monitor student behaviour, uniform, lateness and absenteeism and relevant learning issues. </li><li>supporting staff in developing strategies for dealing with challenging students.<br /> </li></ul></li><li>Assist the Lead Home Room Tutor:<ul><li>to take specific responsibility in the use of Learner Profiles (data dashboard) to better know and understand the strengths, interests, motivations and capabilities of each student so they flourish and thrive in a rapidly changing world.</li><li>to ensure the consistent application of the attendance process.<br /> </li></ul></li><li>Act as a conduit for parents/guardians/carers, College teaching and administrative staff regarding the learning and wellbeing of individual students. <br /> </li><li>Liaise with parents/guardians/carers regarding serious matters of behaviour or progress.</li></ul><p><strong>Additional:</strong></p><ul><li>Responsible for the organisation and administration of House assemblies, activities, celebration of events, sharing/delegating any of these duties as appropriate. Ensure parents/guardians/carers are informed of all House events. </li><li>Assist with enrolment interviews for Year 5 students for entry into Year 7. </li><li>Commit to ongoing professional development in area of work. </li><li>Attend re-entry meetings with Dean of Students.</li><li>Where relevant, support and attend whole school events including, but not limited to, Valedictory Dinner, Presentation Ball, Ball Practices, Buddy Leaders’ training, etc.</li><li>Lead morning Home Room Tutor Meetings 3 to 4 times per term.</li><li>Proof Home Rome Reports.</li><li>Attend relevant meetings for students in your House as required.</li><li>Other duties as required by the principal.<i><strong> </strong></i></li></ul><p><strong>Variation to Role Description</strong>: The Role Description will be updated from time to time to reflect legislative changes and requirements and the duties and responsibilities of the role may be varied, after appropriate consultation, in response to the changing needs of the College.</p><p><strong>Other</strong>: </p><ul><li>All teachers appointed to permanent positions at Chevalier College are required to uphold an extracurricular commitment which requires afternoon coaching two afternoons per week and attendance at Saturday fixtures for 10-12 weeks for either a Winter or Summer sport season. </li><li>This middle leader role attracts 2 points pay and 0.25 FTE release from face-to-face teaching time.</li><li>The contract period for the higher level of responsibility as a Leader of House is for three years.</li><li>Salary and conditions will be as per the NSW Catholic Independent Schools (Teachers – Model B) Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2023.</li><li>This is a child-related position.  Preferred candidates are required to possess a valid a Working With Children Check and will be subject to identification verification.</li></ul>
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Application Instructions

<ul><li>A cover letter of no more than 2 pages outlining why you are suitable for this role by directly addressing the role outline and role requirements. You may wish to provide 4 - 6 hyperlinks with supporting evidence of your ability and readiness for this role.<br /> </li><li>One page resume with three referees with accompanying LinkedIn and Twitter profiles if applicable.<br /> </li><li>Copies of university transcripts.</li></ul><p>All applications are to be marked to the attention of the Principal of Chevalier College and emailed to <a href="mailto:hammondk&#64;chevalier.nsw.edu.au" rel="nofollow">hammondk&#64;chevalier.nsw.edu.au</a></p>


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