This vacancy is no longer open.
Matthew Hutchison
Affiliation: Catholic
Teaching Level: Combined
Gender: Boy
1830 Students
140 Teaching
Non-Teaching Staff
<p>Written applications should include a cover letter introducing yourself, and address the selection criteria. Please complete the College Application form for Advertised Positions, and provide a Curriculum Vitae including full details of qualifications, experience and professional accreditation. </p><p>For information about the duties and nature of the position, or progress of the selection process, enquiries should be directed to Acting Assistant Head of School – Staff and Community, Mr John O'Kane at or by phoning the staff office on 62987262. </p><p>The College is not required to accept applications that are received after the closing date and time, and reserves the right to appoint by invitation, close applications early, extend the deadline or to make no appointment at all. Shortlisted candidates will be contacted by telephone to arrange an interview.</p><p>Applications can be received by:</p><p>o Post - PO Box 727 Mawson, ACT 2607<br />o Email – <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a><br />o Delivered directly to the main College Reception.</p>
This vacancy is no longer open.