Role Purpose
HILLS is a co-educational, non-denominational Christian School located at Verdun, in the picturesque Adelaide Hills. The School and our Early Learning Centre caters for around 650 students. With an impressive reputation for providing a broad range of ELC – Year 12 experiences, the School respects and nurtures the individual and promotes core Christian values, a love of learning and resilience in its students. HILLS is blessed to have attracted a top-quality staff team who actively engage students with their learning.
We are seeking a passionate and dynamic Physical Education educator to inspire and engage students through movement, teamwork, and sports. This role involves teaching Physical Education to students from Years 10 to 12, and supporting extracurricular sporting activities.
All members of staff of The Hills Christian Community School Inc. are expected to uphold and demonstrate personal qualities and behaviours which are consistent with the School’s Statement of Aims and Objectives, and its Statement of Belief. These include:
These qualifications/certificates are required prior to commencing employment at HILLS and must be updated for the duration of employments at HILLS (please provide copy with application):
Tony Fielke
Affiliation: Christian Independent
Teaching Level: Combined
Gender: Coed
615 Students
60 Teaching
Non-Teaching Staff
Applications to be emailed to
A short-listing process will take place after applications close and interviews will be held soon after. If there are any questions regarding the position or the application process, please contact the HR Department on or phone 08 8388 7811.