Role Purpose
The Mid-Year Reception educator will join a collaborative and thriving teaching team to create engaging and purposeful learning adventures for children. They will confidently meet the academic, social, and emotional needs of students within the Primary years at HILLS. While working in a collaborative planning and teaching team, Primary Educators will guide and implement a tailored scope and sequence of learning which considers the unique requirements of students' age and stage of development. Through a restorative approach to behaviour management, educators will develop intentional relationships with all students for the benefit of their learning and growth, while establishing and maintaining ongoing connection with the parent community.
All members of staff of The Hills Christian Community School Inc. are expected to uphold and demonstrate personal qualities and behaviours which are consistent with the School’s Statement of Aims and Objectives, and its Statement of Belief. These include:
These qualifications/certificates are required prior to commencing employment at HILLS and must be updated for the duration of employments at HILLS (please provide copy with application):
Tony Fielke
Affiliation: Christian Independent
Teaching Level: Combined
Gender: Coed
615 Students
60 Teaching
Non-Teaching Staff
Applications to be emailed to
A short-listing process will take place after applications close and interviews will be held soon after. If there are any questions regarding the position or the application process, please contact the HR Department on or phone 08 8388 7811.