Learning Diversity Leader

Our Lady of Good Counsel School


Primary Teacher

Teaching Subject: Diverse Learning / Special Needs

Contract Type: Permanent/Ongoing Position Full Time

Applications Close: 18 November 2024

OLGC is seeking a Learning Diversity Leader commencing 2025. (0.6) This position will be offered with either a teaching position (0.4) or a POL position The position of leadership will initially be a two year fixed-term beginning January 2025. The successful applicant will be offered ongoing teaching employment at the school.

<p><strong>Applicants will need to possess the following skills:</strong></p><p>The ability to develop strong home-school partnerships, </p><p>Be able to build trusting relationships with students and families and work collaboratively with staff to personalise the learning for at-risk students. </p><p>Have an understanding and working knowledge of NCCD and the requirements to fulfil this annually.</p><p>Have an understanding of Positive Behaviours for Learning (PBL) and the implementation of this to create safe and effective teaching and learning environments</p><p>Work collaboratively with staff to support students to access learning through planned adjustments and/or learning programs</p><p>Organise and facilitate Program Support Group (PSG) meetings</p><p>Maintain accurate records and tracking the progress of students with specific learning needs</p><p><strong>Application Procedures</strong></p><p>Applications should include:</p><ul><li>a cover letter including responses to the selection criteria outlining your suitability for the position;</li><li>contact details of 3 current referees</li></ul><p><strong>This position will be combined with either a teaching or an additional POL component to make up a full time position</strong></p>
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Application Instructions

<p>Forward your application letter and resume via email, with contact details including mobile, for at least 3 referees to the Acting Principal, Mr. Brian Grace</p><p><a href="mailto:erin&#64;olgcdeepdene.catholic.edu.au" rel="nofollow">bgrace&#64;olgcdeepdene.catholic.edu.au</a> </p>


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