Community Connections Facilitator (CCF)/ Chaplain – .8 FTE

Redeemer Lutheran College - Rochedale


Chaplains / Pastoral Care

Contract Type: Permanent/Ongoing Position Full Time

Applications Close: 7 October 2024

Redeemer Lutheran College in partnership with Our Saviour Lutheran Church is seeking a person with the skills and abilities to fulfil the role of Community Connections Facilitator/ Chaplain.

<p>Redeemer Lutheran College (RLC) and Our Saviour Lutheran Church (OSLC) are seeking a suitably qualified person who will support the Lutheran ethos of the College and demonstrate enthusiasm and professionalism in their commitment to this faith leadership role, to commence Term 4 2024.</p><p><i><strong>The successful applicant will:</strong></i></p><ol><li><i>Show a demonstrated commitment to an active Christian faith. </i></li><li><i>Align with the College’s mission ‘Our hope is in Christ’ and OSLC mission ‘Inspired by the love of Jesus to love, support and care for our community’. </i></li><li><i>Attend Our Saviour Lutheran Church services and events as agreed by the Congregation Pastor or the OSLC and RLC Collaborative Ministry team.</i></li><li><i>Have demonstrated experience and skills in the provision of pastoral care and spiritual guidance to children/youth and their families.</i></li><li><i>Have a broad understanding of children/youth and issues affecting them.</i></li><li><i>Demonstrate abilities and initiative to work with minimum supervision.</i></li><li><i>Actively foster the Christian Lutheran et.hos of the College and Congregation.</i></li><li><i>Be an inspiring and engaging communicator who is able to connect with students, staff and parents in formal and informal settings.</i></li><li><i>Possess appropriate qualifications/experience in theology, chaplaincy and pastoral care.</i></li><li><i>Provide a National Police Check and Working with Children Check and complete appropriate Lutheran Church of Australia required training. </i></li><li><i>The appointee to the position of CCF/Chaplain will be required to participate in an annual performance review.</i></li></ol><p><strong>Professional Practice:</strong></p><ol><li><i>Pastorally care for all members of the College community.</i></li><li><i>Lead and guide work in partnership with the Pastor and Ministry Development Co-ordinator at Our Saviour Lutheran Church (OSLC) and the Dean of Faith at Redeemer Lutheran College (RLC).</i></li><li><i>Seek and create opportunities for connection between members of OSLC and RLC.</i></li><li><i>Develop Christian life, worship and understanding among students, and build relationships with all members of the College community.</i></li><li><i>Support student learning and faith development by visiting classes and engaging with staff in a wide range of academic and pastoral settings.</i></li><li><i>Recognise the diversity of beliefs and practices of the students at RLC and the OSLC.</i></li></ol><p>A Position Description for this role is available at <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> </p><p>For further information about Redeemer Lutheran College or Our Saviour Lutheran College please visit: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> and or www.</p><p>Redeemer Lutheran College and Our Saviour Lutheran Church are committed to the wellbeing and safety of children, youth and students in its care.  Blue Card Legislation has changed effective 31 August 2020 and a “No Card, No Start” policy is now in effect.  This means that paid Employees must hold a current paid Blue Card/Exemption Card or be issued with a paid Blue Card/Exemption Card before they can commence work.  Candidates may wish to consider how their Blue Card status will affect their suitability for this position as a Blue Card/Exemption Card is an inherent requirement of the role prior to a start date.  For more information about these changes or to submit an application for a new or renewed Blue Card/Exemption Card, please go to the Blue Card Services website. Redeemer Lutheran College and Our Saviour Lutheran Church are committed to child safety. Successful applicants must comply with the College’s and Church’s Child Protection Program and fulfil mandatory training requirements. </p><p>The College and Congregation reserves the right to make an appointment at any stage of the recruitment process, including prior to the closing date for applications.</p><p> </p>
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Application Instructions

<p>Applications should be addressed to Mrs Janelle Anderson and submitted as one combined PDF by close of Business – Monday 7 October 2024.  Applications must be received electronically via <a href="mailto:jobs&#64;" rel="nofollow">jobs&#64;</a> and not posted or hand delivered to the College. Any applications received by means other than the advertised email address will not be considered. </p><p>The PDF File should include:</p><ul><li>letter of application (no more than two pages);</li><li>current curriculum vitae;</li><li>Statement of experience and expertise to fulfil the areas of responsibility detailed in the advertisement. (300 word limit).</li><li>a copy of your academic transcripts conferring professional qualifications </li><li>the name, organisation, position, contact phone numbers of three referees, at least two of whom can speak to your current professional practice (referees will not be contacted without your prior knowledge). </li></ul>


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