Risk and Compliance Manager

Saint Ignatius College Geelong (see more jobs from this school)


Risk / Compliance / Safety

Contract Type: Permanent/Ongoing Position Full Time

Applications Close: 20 September 2024

Delivering high-level Risk Management, Legislative Compliance, & OHS support. The key responsibilities include overseeing compliance systems, emergency management, VRQA compliance, and policy management, while ensuring the workplace adheres to current safety standards. The position is a key member of the OHS committee, College Administration Team, and emergency management teams.

<p>Work collaboratively with the College Executive team to assess the impact of any legislative changes to the College’s operations and strategic objectives.</p><p>Prepare a regular report, at the end of each Term for the Principal and Executive Team on OHS and compliance and risk management.</p><p>Establish and implement the procedures for the prompt reporting and investigations of all injuries, accidents and near misses. </p><p>Coordinate internal safety audits (eg. room inspections) under the direction from the Business Manager, assists with external safety audits (WorkSafe Inspectors), notify WorkSafe of reportable incidents.</p><p><strong>Child (Safeguarding) </strong></p><p>Work with the Deputy Principal (Students) to review the College’s current Child Safety practices against legislative requirements and development of recommendations. </p><p>Ensure compliance with child safety standards and assist in guiding a child safe organisation Review current policies and recommend updates as required. </p><p><strong>Compliance and Policy (CompliSpace) </strong></p><ul><li>Take responsibility for the central administration and management of the College’s CompliSpace software. Ensure that CompliSpace is effectively and efficiently implemented and used </li><li>Investigate and provide direction in all compliance related matters and ensure that the College is compliant in all areas </li><li>Advise Executive of changes in regulations or legislation which effect compliance or College policies </li><li>Use functions of CompliSpace’s Assurance platform to deliver fit for purpose reports </li><li>Pursue a continuous improvement framework to enhance policies and risk management practices in the College and coordinate the ongoing development of risk and compliance policies and procedures </li><li>Identify compliance requirements and reporting of compliance and breaches and trends in conjunction with the College Executive Team </li><li>Manage the development, implementation, documentation and dissemination of relevant policies, procedures, processes, controls and guidelines to promote compliance and reduce risk across the College </li><li>Work with Deputy Principals to review and personalise policies and procedures using CompliSpace and MACS </li><li>Ensure policy and procedures are updated and reviewed systematically </li><li>Release policies once ratified </li><li>Publish updates on school website where appropriate </li><li>In conjunction with the Deputy Principals, provide staff with training associated with compliance as required </li><li>Record and ensure that compliance training has been completed (e.g. mandatory reporting, child protection, asthma and anaphylaxis, OHS, bullying and harassment and First Aid) </li><li>Manage and maintain accurate staff learning modules through CompliLearn </li><li>Conduct appropriate audits to ensure compliance with College policies and procedures and the relevant legislative framework </li><li>Maintains documentary evidence of compliance </li><li>Ensure the College is up to date with VRQA requirements </li><li>Provide regular reports to Business Manager and notify of incidents or concerns </li><li>Identify privacy data breaches </li><li>Ensure compliance capabilities and performance are factored into contracts with external suppliers </li></ul><p><strong>Emergency Management </strong></p><ul><li>Maintain an updated version of the notifications/maps and training of the Emergency Management Plan/Procedures for regular Emergency evacuations and the follow up review of the process </li><li>In consultation with the Business Manager and Emergency Planning Committee, ensure that the Emergency Management Plan is reviewed, updated and promulgated annually. </li></ul><p><strong>Governance Compliance </strong></p><p>Ensure that all policies and procedures meet the VRQA minimum standards including:</p><ul><li>School Governance</li><li>Enrolment</li><li>Curriculum and Student Learning </li><li>Student Engagement and Wellbeing</li><li>Student Pathways</li><li>Staff Employment and Human Resources Management</li><li>School Infrastructure </li><li>Financial Management </li><li>ICT Management</li><li>Risk Management </li><li>Commonwealth Requirements</li></ul><p><strong>MACS and CECV Compliance obligations</strong></p><p>Monitor MACs communications to ensure that all relevant stakeholders are notified of any updates and change in policies are made as required.</p><p><strong>OHS</strong></p><ul><li>Attend OHS committee meetings</li><li>Ensure staff receive appropriate OHS induction</li><li>In conjunction with the OHS committee, regularly review and update the Risk Register to ensure the College appropriately manages all recognised and reported risks</li><li>Identify and facilitate OHS training and instruction requirements, e.g. training staff re such things as manual handling, prevention of slips, trips and falls, ladder safety and ergonomics</li><li>Liaise with various departments such as Maintenance, Science, Technology, Art, Food Tech etc. to ensure all College equipment is well maintained (regular maintenance documented) and safe to use </li><li>Monitor and review overall effectives of the College’s OHS program</li><li>Liaise with WorkSafe as required in relation to incident reporting, site visits etc.</li><li>Participate as required in the resolution of OHS issues</li><li>  Liaise with the HSR/s about OHS matters </li></ul><p><strong>Induction and Working with Children </strong></p><ul><li>With the Director of Community Engagement, ensure all volunteers are appropriately inducted and keep record of their   working with children registration. </li><li>With the Site &amp; Infrastructure and Facilities Manager, establish, develop and maintain records of site induction of contractors, consultants along with their working with children record </li></ul><p><strong>Risk and Incident Management </strong></p><ul><li>Work with Site &amp; Infrastructure and Property Manager to ensure implementation of regular safety checks and reviews of buildings and grounds </li><li>Maintain a College Risk register and provide input on risk issues as well as provide advice to stakeholders concerning overall risk areas </li><li>Deliver Risk Management and Risk Assessment training </li><li>Ensure Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS) are in place, reviewed and used by staff and contractors as part of creating a culture of workplace safety </li><li>Oversee the effective online capture of reportable incidents (including, but not limited to complaints, compliance breaches, workplace injuries and near misses, fraud and corruption incidents, environmental incidents etc) </li><li>With the Site &amp; Infrastructure and Property Manager, ensure that the cyclical “Maintenance Schedule” is being adhered to, including the documentation of Essential Services safety inspections and other items on a regular basis in line with government protocols eg. electrical testing and tagging (six monthly checks), lighting and air conditioners, safety walk through, annual safety checks of roof anchor points, fume cupboards, cut-off switches, and that Safety Data Sheets are regularly revised and up to date in all areas </li><li>Assist and monitor the completion of risk assessment of school activities both internal and external of the school, which will also include interstate and overseas excursions, along with other school activities, e.g. sport, curriculum related, music, P &amp; F functions, information evenings, tours of the school, VET and VCEVM activities, building and construction and dealing with difficult people </li><li>Monitor change in activities to ensure risk and change are considered for camps, incursions, excursions etc. </li><li>Liaise with the off-campus activities coordinator to ensure all such activities comply with safety requirements</li></ul><p><strong>WorkCover and Return to Work </strong></p><ul><li>Assist with the development of Return to Work Plans for injured staff where appropriate</li><li>Work with Payroll Officer and Accounts Payable re incident, reporting, compliance, leave, salary reimbursements, accounts to be paid, notification of incident, required documentation, (claims, certificate of compacity), Return to Work Plans etc.</li><li>Ensure that the OHS implications arising from WorkCover claims are addressed</li><li>The Business Manager is the Return to Work Officer</li></ul><p><strong>Key Skills </strong></p><ul><li>Proven administrative experience</li><li>Excellent judgement/problem solving skills </li><li>Commitment to promoting Saint Ignatius College</li><li>Commitment to excellent customer service</li><li>Strong oral and written communication skills</li><li>Level 2 First Aid</li><li>Collaborative team member with the ability to work with a variety of stakeholders as required</li><li>Proficient computing skills in Microsoft Office,</li><li>Excellent judgement/problem solving skills </li><li>Ability to treat sensitive material with confidentiality</li><li>Excellent organisational and time management skills</li><li>Enjoyment of, and ability to relate to young people</li><li>Reliability and strong time management skills</li><li>Flexibility with hours/days when required – some out of hours work will be required as a part of this role.</li></ul><p>Category “C” Hours 8.15 to 4.30 pm  Monday - Friday (38hrs/week)</p>


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Application Instructions

<p><strong>Please submit your application including a cover letter, resume and Application for Employment Form from the college website (ignatius.vic.edu.au) or direct any enquiries to Sheila Tivan at </strong><a href="mailto:hr&#64;ignatius.vic.edu.au" rel="nofollow"><strong>hr&#64;ignatius.vic.edu.au</strong></a><strong> by 20 September 2024.</strong></p>