Specialist Teachers

Carlo Acutis Catholic Primary School (see more jobs from this school)

Wollert, VIC 

Primary Teacher

Teaching Subject: LOTE , Visual Art

Contract Type: Permanent/Ongoing Position Part Time (0.30 FTE)

Applications Close: 4 October 2024

We seek specialist teachers of Visual Art and LOTE (Italian) for a brand-new school.

<p>Carlo Acutis Catholic Primary School is located in Wollert West and will open in January 2025 for children in Foundation to Year Six. Enrolments for the new school are expected to reach over 500 students in the coming years. </p><p>We aim to create a dynamic and welcoming school where all staff can grow as educational leaders. There may be opportunities for leadership positions, and we will have the capacity to expand our leadership team as we continue to grow. We would love to hear from you if you are an aspiring or experienced leader. </p><p>We seek a Visual Art teacher (0.3) and LOTE (Italian) teacher (0.3). Applicants who can teach both specialist areas are encouraged to apply.</p><p>We can take many directions in a foundation school, so we are open to discussing what this may look like. </p><p>If you believe this position could be for you, please send a resume to the school principal, Mr. Damian Howard. Please include at least two referees (it is preferred if one referee is your current principal and a member of the leadership team). </p><p>All applications should be addressed to principal&#64;carloacutis.catholic.edu.au by 5 pm on Friday 4 October.</p><p>Carlo Acutis Catholic Primary School is dedicated to the safety and well-being of all students.</p>
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Application Instructions

<p>Applications close at 5pm on Friday 4th October 2024. Please submit a cover letter, current CV/resume, and the names of at least two referees. Please submit your application using the &#34;Apply for Job&#34; button.</p>