Holy Name School


Primary Teacher

Contract Type: Contract Position Full Time

Applications Close: 4 October 2024

Year Level/Subject: Primary At Holy Name Primary School we aim to develop students who take ownership of their learning through the opportunities and support that we provide. We are a diverse community, where the individual is respected.

<p>Holy Name Primary School is seeking applications for a full time classroom teacher for 2025. While for 2025 this is a fixed term position, there is a strong possibility of ongoing for 2026 and beyond. Graduate and experienced teachers with a passion for learning, dedicated to building relationships and empowering learners to be their best are encouraged to apply. </p><p>Holy Name is a child-safe school and is fully committed to the safety, wellbeing and protection of all children in our care. We are looking for a passionate, highly motivated and collaborative educator who wishes to work in a supportive, community minded school, and share a commitment to developing the full potential of the students in their care. </p><p>Applicants will need to demonstrate their understanding and commitment to:</p><ul><li>Student-centred learning with a focus on wellbeing,</li><li>Planning and working in collaborative team environments,</li><li>Data driven teaching and learning, focused on continuous improvement and growth,</li><li>Using  digital technologies and platforms to support student learning,</li><li>A differentiated approach to the curriculum, implementing engaging learning tasks guided by goal setting to support student needs,</li><li>Developing their practice through professional learning, </li><li>A culture of feedback and continuous improvement to further their own development as well as their students&#39;. </li><li>Build and maintain positive relationships with students, parents and colleagues</li><li>Support the Catholic ethos of the school and strengthen connections with the Parish.</li></ul><p>Applicants are required to:</p><ul><li>Have a current registration with the Victorian Institute of teaching</li><li>Be accredited to teach Religious Education in a Catholic School or be prepared to gain accreditation should the position become permanent</li><li>Adhere to the Holy Name Code of conduct and Child Safety Policy.</li></ul>


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Application Instructions

<p>Please submit a cover letter and resume/cv. We ask that you include your work/placement history and educational background as well as at least the names and numbers of at least two/three referees.</p>


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