This vacancy is no longer open.
School Performance & Improvement
Belconnen Network
Miles Franklin Primary School
Principal, Miles Franklin Primary School
School Leader A 1
Salary Range: $183,960 (PN: 01788)
Details: Located in the Belconnen region, Miles Franklin Primary School is a P-6 school with approximately 499 enrolments.
As an authorised International Baccalaureate world school, the curriculum is organised around the Primary Years Programme (PYP) units of inquiry under six broad transdisciplinary themes.
The units are mapped to the Australian Curriculum and incorporate a balance of all subject disciplines across each year.
Teachers focus on delivering a differentiated curriculum for all students to support and nurture each child’s academic, personal and social wellbeing.
The needs of each student are catered to through specialist reading teachers, extension within the classroom and enrichment programs.
The dedicated staff at Miles Franklin Primary School place a strong emphasis on the Approaches to Learning.
This aims to build students’ self-management and communication skills, their ability to think creatively, critically and reflectively, research effectively and generate strong social skills for lifelong learning.
With a focus on international mindedness, students are encouraged to understand how they can influence the world around them.
Miles Franklin Primary School is committed to working in partnership with parents and the community to provide an educational program and facilities of the highest quality.
The school’s motto of ‘Providing educational excellence in a caring environment’ emphasises a culture of rich learning experience where students are provided with a voice, choice and ownership of their learning.
Eligibility/Other requirements:
Prior to commencing in this role, a minimum of four years full time (or equivalent) tertiary study leading to the award of a recognised school teaching qualification; a current full teaching registration with the ACT Teacher Quality Institute (TQI) (or eligibility for teacher registration with the ACT TQI)
Working with Vulnerable People (WWVP): Prior to commencing this role, a current registration issued under the Working with Vulnerable People (Background Checking) Act 2011 is required. For further information on Working with Vulnerable People registration refer to - Working with vulnerable people (WWVP) registration (
How to Apply
Please provide:
A Statement of Claims based on the School Leader Leadership Capabilities outlined in the application package (maximum six pages).
A current curriculum vitae (two pages) and contact information for two referees.
Contact Officer: Sam Seton (02) 62058219
Applicants should note that a Joint Selection Committee (JSC) established in accordance with the collective/enterprise agreement provisions will assess all applications for this position.
For further information, please visit
Applications Close: 20 August 2024