Principal, Miles Franklin Primary School

ACT Education Directorate (see more jobs from this school)

Canberra, ACT 

Principal / Head of School

Contract Type: Permanent/Ongoing Position Full Time

Applications Close: 20 August 2024

Located in the Belconnen region, Miles Franklin Primary School is a P-6 school with approximately 499 enrolments.

<p><strong>Education</strong></p><p><strong>School Performance &amp; Improvement</strong></p><p><strong>Belconnen Network</strong></p><p><strong>Miles Franklin Primary School</strong></p><p><strong>Principal, Miles Franklin Primary School</strong></p><p><strong>School Leader A 1</strong></p><p><strong>Salary Range: </strong>$183,960  (PN: 01788)</p><p><strong>Details:</strong> Located in the Belconnen region, Miles Franklin Primary School is a P-6 school with approximately 499 enrolments. </p><p>As an authorised International Baccalaureate world school, the curriculum is organised around the Primary Years Programme (PYP) units of inquiry under six broad transdisciplinary themes. </p><p>The units are mapped to the Australian Curriculum and incorporate a balance of all subject disciplines across each year. </p><p>Teachers focus on delivering a differentiated curriculum for all students to support and nurture each child’s academic, personal and social wellbeing. </p><p>The needs of each student are catered to through specialist reading teachers, extension within the classroom and enrichment programs. </p><p>The dedicated staff at Miles Franklin Primary School place a strong emphasis on the Approaches to Learning. </p><p>This aims to build students’ self-management and communication skills, their ability to think creatively, critically and reflectively, research effectively and generate strong social skills for lifelong learning. </p><p>With a focus on international mindedness, students are encouraged to understand how they can influence the world around them. </p><p>Miles Franklin Primary School is committed to working in partnership with parents and the community to provide an educational program and facilities of the highest quality. </p><p>The school’s motto of ‘Providing educational excellence in a caring environment’ emphasises a culture of rich learning experience where students are provided with a voice, choice and ownership of their learning. </p><p><strong>Eligibility/Other requirements:</strong></p><p>Prior to commencing in this role, a minimum of four years full time (or equivalent) tertiary study leading to the award of a recognised school teaching qualification; a current full teaching registration with the ACT Teacher Quality Institute (TQI) (or eligibility for teacher registration with the ACT TQI)</p><p>Working with Vulnerable People (WWVP): Prior to commencing this role, a current registration issued under the Working with Vulnerable People (Background Checking) Act 2011 is required. For further information on Working with Vulnerable People registration refer to - Working with vulnerable people (WWVP) registration ( </p><p><strong><u>How to Apply</u></strong></p><p><strong>Please provide:</strong></p><p>A Statement of Claims based on the School Leader Leadership Capabilities outlined in the application package (maximum six pages).</p><p>A current curriculum vitae (two pages) and contact information for two referees. </p><p><strong>Contact Officer:</strong> Sam Seton (02) 62058219 EDU.DSIOffice&#64;</p><p>Applicants should note that a Joint Selection Committee (JSC) established in accordance with the collective/enterprise agreement provisions will assess all applications for this position.</p><p>For further information, please visit <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></p><p><strong>Applications Close: </strong>20 August 2024</p>
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