
Concordia Kindergarten


Kindergarten / ELC / Early Childhood

Contract Type: Permanent/Ongoing Position Full Time

Applications Close: 22 July 2024

This is an exciting opportunity for an experienced educator to join our vibrant multicultural community and embrace and build on the vision and mission of our Christ-centered learning environment.

<p>Applications are invited for the position of:</p><p><strong>DIRECTOR</strong></p><p>(Commencing January 2025)</p><p>Concordia Kindergarten is located in the central part of Murray Bridge, 80 kms south east of Adelaide. Concordia Kindergarten has an enrolment of approximately 100 children, who attend for 30 hours per fortnight for 12 months prior to school, with Centre capacity capped at 64 children. Concordia is a member of Lutheran Education South Australia Northern Territory and Western Australia (LESNW), who support us with provision of Professional support, advice, mentoring and financial oversight. We are also part of the Lutheran Community in Murray Bridge, linked to Unity College, local Lutheran congregations (Christ Church, Holy Cross and Monarto Lutheran Churches).</p><p>This position is full-time commencing in January 2025 with a six month probationary period.</p><p>This is an exciting opportunity for an experienced educator to join our vibrant multicultural community and embrace and build on the vision and mission of our Christ-centered learning environment.</p><p>A position description and information package are available from Larissa Paynter, Executive Assistant Lutheran Education SA NT &amp; WA (LESNW), Ph: 08 8267 8401 or Email: <a href="mailto:Larissa.paynter&#64;" rel="nofollow">Larissa.paynter&#64;</a>.</p><p>For more information please contact Lynette Schiller, LESNW Early Years Coordinator, at <a href="mailto:lynette.schiller&#64;" rel="nofollow">lynette.schiller&#64;</a> or 0409 325 759.</p>
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Application Instructions

<p>Your application should be submitted by email to Craig Fielke, Executive Director, Lutheran Education SA NT &amp; WA – <a href="mailto:director&#64;" rel="nofollow">director&#64;</a> by no later than <strong>5pm on Monday 22 July 2024</strong> and should include:</p><p>1.  A cover letter, including details of your preferred contact method, phone or email.</p><p>2.  A statement (maximum 3 pages) giving evidence of how the Capabilities from Growing deep: Growing Oneself; Engaging the Community; Leading the Team; and Focusing of Outcomes have shaped your ‘work’ – the vocational practices from Growing deep: Strengthening Lutheran Identity; Excellence in teaching and learning; Ongoing improvement and innovation; Community building; and Leading Effective organization and management.</p><p>3.  Curriculum Vitae covering:</p><ul><li>Full name, home address, confidential email address, mobile and phone contact details</li><li>Nationality and citizenship</li><li>Teacher Registration details</li><li>Positions held, dates, scope of responsibilities and key achievements</li><li>Qualifications</li><li>Any other relevant information, such as specialist training, memberships, involvement in professional community activities and organisations.</li></ul><p>4.  The names, addresses (postal and email) and contact telephone numbers of at least three (3) confidential referees. These must include:</p><ul><li>Applicant’s present or previous employer (either Principal or Chair of Council) who is familiar with the applicant’s academic and professional background and recent experience</li><li>A person who can authoritatively comment on the applicant’s personal qualities and capacity to lead</li><li>Preferably a Pastor of the Lutheran Church of Australia or a person able to comment on the applicant’s spiritual leadership qualities.</li></ul><p>Applications close on <strong>Monday 22 July 2024.</strong></p>